Sunday, April 21, 2024

Review: TILL GOD WAKES: Immortal Story of SINO-INDIAN War in NEFA

In the bustling landscape of 20th-century socio-political activism, few figures stand as luminously as Paramjit Kumar, an Indian-born author, philosopher, and economist. His life's narrative, intricately woven with global peace endeavors, socio-cultural activism, and prophetic insights, unfolds vividly in the pages of "Paramjit Kumar: A Benevolent Proponent," authored by Monica B Sood.

The Legacy Unveiled:

The book meticulously traces Kumar's life from his youth in 1945, where he established connections with towering figures like Mahatma Gandhi and engaged in dialogues pivotal to preventing the partition of India. Kumar's mission extended beyond national boundaries; he became an envoy for Tibetan freedom, blessed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. His journey was marked by adept diplomacy and relentless pursuit of peace, resonating with diverse cultures worldwide.

Insights and Prophecies:

Kumar's prescience shines through in his prior publications, notably "Lest We Become Slaves," where he foresaw China's future aggression towards India. "Roll Call of Death," based on his experiences in the Vietnam War, offered poignant reflections on conflict and its human toll. His "The People's Guardian" magazine unveiled social injustices and political corruption in India, earning both acclaim and controversy.

The New Zealand Connection:

Controversies led Kumar to relocate to New Zealand, where his collaboration with labor leader Norman Kirk resulted in electoral success, with Kirk becoming Prime Minister. Their enduring friendship symbolized a shared commitment to social justice and progressive ideals.

The Impact:

"Paramjit Kumar: A Benevolent Proponent" is more than a biography; it's a testament to the power of intellect and advocacy. Kumar's wisdom continues to guide, offering insights into navigating complexities and championing causes of global significance.

Final Thoughts:

In its 344 pages, Monica B Sood's portrayal of Paramjit Kumar is both comprehensive and captivating. It's a narrative that traverses continents, ideologies, and struggles, leaving readers enriched with lessons in diplomacy, foresight, and compassion. This book is a tribute to a remarkable individual whose legacy transcends borders and generations.

Paramjit Kumar's story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, urging us to strive for a world of understanding, peace, and justice.

[Hardcover: 344 pages | Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 3rd edition (February 2024) | Authors: Paramjit Kumar, Monica B Sood]

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Little did I know !!

 My heart is weeping today,

It is not just my eyes.

My soul is dead today, 

Not just my body.

When you try to be brave, 

But the heart has given up.

When they tell you to stay strong,

But you know you have been wronged.

You let the soul die until it is ready to rise,

Again from the ashes.

You let the memory box hidden,

Unless you are ready to trust again.

Little did I know,

Believing your words,

Trusting your smile , will take away mine.

Little did I know,

It is not just my eyes, but even my heart crying.

Little did I know,

One day 

Monday, December 27, 2021

2022 onwards Implementation of Life changes


1. Have only good & positive thoughts.

Often it happens that we are encircled by negative incidents and people, hence our thoughts are negative and whiny. 

Whatever, it is try to manifest happiness and peace for yourself.

2. Forgive

It is the difficult thing ever to do, forgiving someone for the worst they have done ever to you.

Forgiving is ultimate path to healing, so whatever you think someone has done, don't downgrade to their level but instead forgive them. Forgive so that the hurt reduces. Obviously, other people are not feeling your hurt & pain. Only you are. You can only try to live if you let go of the pain and person.

3. Boundaries

I have often thought- suppose you hate a person from your office, but still you don't go and say that at his face. You maintain your cool because that's office.

But, as friends or partners or relationships, we often cross those boundaries. 

We should not. Learnt it the hard way, implementation is even tougher, but that's the right way to do it.

4. Let Go

5. Care Free

6. Be humble

7. Silence : 

    Silence is the key to success at times. Words can be interpreted in various ways.

.. to be updated more.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Pain : No Pain, No Gain- Really?


Have you encountered pain? Of course you have.

I have too.. But, have you encountered endless pain. Ya, it just doesn't end.

You are waking up each morning, getting dressed up, taking all your meals on time, faking that smile,

or may be smiling, working, studying or doing chores..or may be not all the time.

But, that pain has become a part of you, it doesnot leave you.

And, what are doing about it? Rather, what can I do about it?

Sunday, May 9, 2021

What is enough in this life?

 Am I so difficult to comprehend?

If someone asks you- if you have a lot of money, will that be enough? The answer is No.

If someone asks - if only love enough? The answer is still No.

Then, what is the answer??

I don't have it!! Believe me ! I don't.

I always believed excess of everything is harmful. But, life never gave anything in excess. I also believe that everything in right proportion, just like the spices in correct quantity makes the life beautiful.

If the money is excess, may be greed will never give away. But, wishing that we have the least to luxurious is okay, isn't it? Why are we working- for a better living or to improve our living!!!

If love is excess, may be one partner starts to doubt the other, and the other starts to feel suffocated. You know what love is - letting the other being live freely while they still belong to you.

Have you seen how your mother loves you(most of you)- she wont complain, she won't demand and she won't expect. But, all other relationships are not that way. Also, if any other relation lose their trust, they demand conditions to be fulfilled to get back trust. But, trust once broken will not mend. 

I was very sick recently, matlab yamraj hi dikh gye the. And, the people I considered as my day and night didn't drop me even 1 message. All I could think was suppose I die now - I would not even talk to them for the last time?  Were they thinking about me - No? 

What happened to the trust and love? I feel like a fool !! But, that's life.

But, friends - a few of them - they are there to listen you cribbing,.making the same mistakes again and again. Hoping you will find you way.

I wish life makes us friends first so that we don't hurt each other and try to understand one another.

I might think differently and you might not agree, But, when you are friends first - you will give yourself a chance of understand the other one!!

Once this friend of mine said - you are vegetarian and you don't drink which is your choice but don't you think you are missing a lot of things because you rejected them even before giving them a fair chance!! Isn't it the same when we just tie up in beliefs!!

You know what is enough - If two persons can share similar goal or atleast support each other in their individual goals without being superior. If you do not talk, but the other person's presence in the room calms you down. Isn't that the security you need. If each one understands their responsibilities, wont it be perfect!

A few drinks, a few trips, a few tears of ecstasy,

And I laugh and you laugh,

Isn't that merry enough !!

But, may be I am very difficult to comprehend !!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Till then !!

 It is all dark,

I can't see anything..

Will it get any brighter

or will it keep giving me the same storm every now and then.

I am losing it,

I can be brave but for how long,

For everytime, I try being  me,

sky becomes open and rains start falling.

There is no forgiveness for breaking someone's hopes and dreams.

It is the circle of life,

And, one day you will know that every fallen tear,

will come back to haunt you.

Till then, Let Go !!!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Our Truths!!

The other day he said that he had sent me the Netflix User/pwd and I denied saying I didnot get any.

The technical glitch made us lier in the eyes of the other...

There are 3 kinds of truth:

Your Truth: That yes, you had sent me the password details. Another of your truth, like I have not been very good to you and not very supportive.

My truth : I didnot receive the password details- may be some technical glitch.
Another of my truth, I believe I have been trying to meet the best I can, with your expectations without changing me as a person.

And, the actual truth:

That we are struggling to be together. How 2 people can miss each other and still are not able to sort the differences.  Sometimes, there are sleepless nights with the cluttered thoughts which we can't convey to each other. But, your truth and my truth is not letting us have a happy life.

Relationships are delicate, even a slight disrespect and how we lose the important people in our life.

Sometimes, I think and agree that time has changed me to a brutal person with cruel words and I feel sad because my words used to soft. I was a better friend and a better person and then how did I get here? How did we get so self involved that we hurt people who matter to us?
May be it happens to many people as a reflex or as a rebound action or I really am not sure about the reason?

Review: TILL GOD WAKES: Immortal Story of SINO-INDIAN War in NEFA In the bustling landscape of 20th-century socio-political activism, few fi...