Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Expect the Unexpected..............

      Friendship signifies to one of the few relations which we think r forevr..
 Jennette and Andrew were childhood frndz...studied in the same class...were tough competitors...
nd gud frndz. Though they fought evry other day for some silly reason,there frndship was really appreciable...if one is ill,other will complete the entire class as well as home work for the other..
  Inspite of all there fights,the best moments included copying during the class,stealing each other's lunch boxes,teasing each other.Jennette's best way to tease Andrew was to point Stella to her...nd tease her...well,Stella was Andrew's first crush...which was mercilessly crushed by the Headboy of the class,Peter...lolz
Though there were the sessions mostly reserved for the teasing hours ,but there were also studying hours allotted to them...where they  helped each other and solved each other's queries...
As they grew up, they both got surrounded by new ppl,new frndz lacking tym for each other..without realising wat r  they gng to loose....nd thus,came an end to their once thought of as "everlasting frndship"...
School phase ended nd began a new journey....wid new ways.......ways to be wid the flow,ways to follow the trend,ways to be the most popular guy/gal....blah blah...
Jennette nd Andrew had already been affected by lack of communication...nd getting into different colleges jst added a little more to it,,....
While there grew net surfing nd addiction to social networking sites,..both of them made thousands of new friends,...but somewhere they really missed each other...Its well said ,"School days are the best days of our lyf".May be this quote started proving itself to them...College was cool,trendy and even more energtic they would have evr imagined..........
One nite,while surfing,the two old frndz met each other..nd had a lot to talk about...had a lot to resolve and had a lot to complain..........Though the chatting sessions were very much normal for them,but parting nd meeting trend adds a beauty to it.
With reincarnation of their frndship,they realized their missing asset..
nd r still gud frndz...sharing evrythng...whether their xams or their fights with their boyfrnd/galfrnd...or the latest movies,the gossips,...nd the lik.,.........
Thus,Jennette nd Andrew moved  a series of twists and turns,had suffered distortion due to noise signals of various pressurized by the burden of loading effects....but found out the low pass filter to get back to their original frequency nd thus,attributed themselves with the term "matched frequency".(//Kindly refer wikipedia for the words u didnt understood...lolz)
Thus,they became frndz again...nd the very best they can........

There are so many ppl lik Jennette nd Andrew......who becum gud frndz after gettin separated...
which is unbelievable to believ but often happens.......Give lyf a way....nd it vl show u all d possible combinations it can.


The Undefined Glimpses....

 Hope is the last thing that dies in man; and though it be exceedingly deceitful, yet it is of this good use to us, that while we are traveling through life it conducts us in an easier and more pleasant way to our journey's end. -- François de la Rochefoucauld
         Its not very long, i  watched a muvi named Artificial Intelligence..though the name sounds too technical but the muvi is worth watching nd really heart touching.I thought of writing abt this muvi the very nite i saw it but may b it was left 4 today, i suppose...though the story is abt a robot boy...nd his emotions...i really loved  the optimism level shown in it.The little boy David overhears the story of Pinnochio nd believes it to the height u cant evn think of...nd searches for the Blue Fairy in order to make himself a real boy...

Well,the ending is quite gud but i m nt revealing it...
But, the muvi really touched me....nd its really true "The world seems so different and the beauty of the word "hope" is that even our so called "GOD" is nthng else but our hope....nd believe/faith.
Our mere existence, perhaps, depends on our hope. Sometimes,challenges of life nd burdens of responsibilities takes away all our potential and we are left alone.
Have u evr noticed the beauty of the rain drop which shines over a it looks exactly as in the pic...Just have a look at it, the tiny little drop whose life is going to be finished as soon as it reaches and dedicates itself to mother Earth,...but still it glows...nd leave us all mesmerished by its divine beauty..
life is filled wid difficulties,
but sometimes its soothing words,
sometimes friends,
nd sumtymes its  jst a ray of hope......
which  makes u relive life.....
nd our life is a collection of such hopes!!!!

Hope turns many dead souls come alive,many soldiers back home,many students pass their exams, many ppl believe in themselves again...Wen u win, only u r the one who knows how u achieved it..
nd u r the only one who knows the miracle behind it....its jst the ray of hope which enlightens u whether it be in any form...for me IT HAS ALWAZ BEEN MY MOM ND MY FRNDZ....

There r thousand reasons which makes u feel depressed, sad nd give u all the gloomy xpressions of the world...but ur.....
 Hope is the only virtue wich turns IMPOSSIBLE into I M POSSIBLE.....

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