Friday, January 20, 2012

That part of me!!

Walking by,
The solitude is it,
The mere presence of the sounds bring a smile.

Those days,
where a clique was seen.
 I am waiting,now, for a while.

There is someone, something lacking behind,
That was one of it's kind.
Missy, have you lost your mind?
Perhaps, you also wined !!

I fail to understand,
the depth, the pain
looks like agony in the rain.

That world of mine,
where every smile bewilders,
every heart beautify.

I now know-
In this hurry-
I left the innocence far behind.
Traversing each day -
 Recalling that Persona

where I was I,
with some resemblance
in each face that ever charmed.
Left are the glimpses,
The morning sunshine,
Alluring winters,
and the memories behind..

Dedicated to that lovely bunch of  FRIENDS I have!!

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