A few days back ,not very long ago,I experienced something unusual wich really shocked me.
It was one of the normal days or rather i should say a very normal night..i was in my room around 3:00am in the morning doing some non-sense stuff like all the other engineering students..
It was that hour of night that i decided to leave my room and go to the terrace which signifies the heights of vella tym i had :)
On my way back to my rum,while i was on the stairs,we suffered a power-cut.The entire hostel was quiet..of course i was the only person viewing the beautiful persona of my hostel...lolz
Those 10 stairs which i had to walk thru jst took my breathe away.,..first time in my life i recognised the value of my eyes which i keep degrading due to the excess use of my lappy..
nd most importantly climbing down those few stairs seemed to be the toughest task evr alloted to me..ya ..evn tougher than my xamz..
Finally,with all the natural glow of darkness around, i somehow managed to get back to my room..nd with a sign of relief i lay on my bed thinking how difficult those 5 min of my lyf seemed to me jst now...nd how difficult will be lyf for those who cant see at all..
In Life,sometimes its really too difficult to carry things on, specially when all your counterparts have it as a natural gift bestowed upon them.
We, who are gifted wid all sorts of natural powers waste our life crying over the things we cant achieve..have we evr thought about the inspiring life ppl live lacking their eyesight or the power to listen or speak..or the like.. nd we often, pity those people without giving a mild thought about the state of those people we sympathise upon...lets jst decide to encourage them rather than dishearting their hopes nd aspirations..lets jst b one inspite of our differnces.
I sumtymes think wat must be the thoughts of such ppl nd i found...they r much more stronger mentally than are we...
"World is a illusion for me,
Neither can i see,
Nor can i hear,
And i live a life widout fear,
The blood red colour doesnt frighten me,
coz i have nvr known its brutality ,my dear...
This life is full of such examples...
"sumtimes we fail
sumtimes we succeed
it just depends on the very perspective
of living our life ,
The unending journey
still trying to test us..
The art is to live it
with a little patience
and a little hope
nd u will see how charismatic lyf is."