Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Unheard & Unsaid..

The silent attraction,
long conversations,
A peace and joy
which was too influential.
I waited too long to understand,
too long perhaps to subside.
The more I think of not thinking of you,
The task becomes ponderous ,
and there are just thoughts of you.
How I keep wondering,
Where am I heading to??
No idea of destination,
even journey seems insane.
I tried a lot to bring back the original me,
but You changed too much to revert,
This infernal punishment have I chosen for me.
How will I ever be able to make myself believe 
that there is a world beyond those fantasies!!
How i wish there were days when you understood my silence,
How I wish there were moments to be cherised!!
But,well aware of the nihilism in life,
all futile and otiose,
Still there comes the awkwardness of faking up every other thing ,
The smile usually are from the heart,
can be seen by all,
but where should I take those remorse
which I know still exist!!
Deep down I know,
This too shall pass,
returning the normalcy of life,
the innocent smiles and wittiness,
but the present has overpowered the desire of future.
With each passing day,
your effect  seems to lessen,
evanescent impressions.
Was it really worthy of it?
but the questions still in silent eyes says-

How will I ever forget,
Life just made me believe that 
It just deceives!!

जननी जन्मभूमिश्र्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी

With another journey round the clock,
cold morning and shivering we,
walked up out of the bed..
seemed the most difficult task.
Got ready and tried to sleep..
And there ended another threatening day..
Sickness seemed to encircle me..

On the way back,
topics so many,
Group of girls,..
from general knowledge to gossip Queens,
From trendy ones to History,
From Obama to Rahul Gandhi,
Got to know,
Had enough to share,
And not lasting 
Vampire Diaries came along,
gave DAMON SALVATORE tag of the Cassanova of the year,
Not the end of course,
There started another discussion over the beautiful Indian topologies,
the Mysteries and the Beautiful Valleys.
Not to forget were the old Mythology,
The Indian culture reflected  upon,
With so many Scams ,
where are we heading on?
And we kept realizing 
there are just more duties on the way ahead,
Being Indian  doesnot just mean we can criticize it.

With Himalayas and the -20degrees temperature,
How Our brave soldiers die for us,
making us have a sound sleep.

That mere words when thought upon gives the feeling to salute them

And this is my Motherland 

And I am proud to say--

जननी जन्मभूमिश्र्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी !!!!

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