31st Dec 2010.
So..finally its the most awaiting day of the year 2010..yes!!!Perhaps this always seemed to be an atrocious year to me..
But, this evening when I sat and thought--Was this 2010 really so terrible? really?? Lemme think Again!!(May be my first decision is always ill-timed..lol).
So,I thought again-
1.1st Jan 2010--Dsp lab exam. : ( But i cleared it :).Witnessed Swine flu before it :( (dats the starting!!!)
2.B'day this year 1st time in hostel with friends..loved it :)
3.March was definitely horrible.(Multiple reasons I suppose).Only good thing was being at home.
(@Mom-You are awesome.Words are too less to describe how you understand my Silence when everyone else think I am fine!).
4.March again proved horrible.Got to know that I am going to end up having a new Roommate ..doesnt seem a very good idea to me..Probably I like things stable in my life..So, their came the unstability.
5.Academics almost killed me..VLSI was breathe-taking!!
Even I terrorized everyone at home :P (THAT DEFINES MY SPECIAL CHARACTER!!)
6.So,finally 6th sem ends--and N-11 is parted : (
Miss u lots Deeksha boss!!
7.7th Sem--Training--studies--home only for 15 days..
Missed Home--Loved my friends--@Apoorva nd @Khushi :)
Luved Apoorva's Family.
Got a few worthy friends during Training..I still am glad meeting them :)
8.Worked too much--Stressed-->missed Home--->Travelled like anything-->woke up at 4:45am daily for 2 months(i.e. the most horrible part).
9.Projects-minor--Industrial Training--Seminars--Accenture nd IBM's --.CAT nd the like-->multiple examz
Super Duper hectic-->I really don't know where my 7th sem vanished(well Thank God for that).
Solitude in Room-->nobody around-->MOm as usual the GReatest Support ever!!
10.Hell lot of travel--Jaipur seems to be love me too much--4 weeks ,4 Jaipur Trips!!! (for examz of course and that too during finals)!!
11.Cleared 7th sem--cleared Infy nd Accy!! nOw the Dilemmatic stage!!!
So..Was 2010 really that bad?? Doesnot seem like!!
1.Accept your mistakes-nothing will guide you better than the acceptance that "Yes,my decision was wrong".
2.Learn to use your brain whenever your heart comes in between.Perhaps, Brain works practically!!
3.Be Practical.
4.The Mantra is--IGNORE. (Ignore things which trouble you,hurt you, distract you, or become an obstacle.--applied for every living and nonliving thing/creature).
5.Love yourself..Nobody else loves you more than that!!
6.Work Sincerely.
7.Enjoy life.
That's all I suppose!!
May 2011 won't dissapoint me.
Bidding Adieu to 2010--You did taught me a lot!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
TajMahal=>Love?? THINK AGAIN!!!
Its 17thDec 2010.
Early Morning,
And I am going to pen down something I have believed for years,something which every other person I meet thinks is weird.
Well,to begin with when I say TajMahal..a vague image appears that values love ,adores it.Agreeing to the fact that Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful monuments in the history of India and has made India a renowned name.Not going deep into the history,I perhaps think we all know that.
The monument made by an emperor in the memory of his dead wife--yes..thats it-I suppose.But, more or less it's just another showy,pompous Graveyard!!Isn't it??Yes it is a beautiful Graveyard with a blackened History.
And to add to the beauty of it,we have lot many devastating acts put together.
I know people reading this might be wondering--What the hell am I saying.As a matter of fact, since time immemorial and even today--Taj Mahal seems a creepy word.I really have never understood the fact that how can people appreciate the act of the Mughal Emperor who is responsible for the crippled life of 20,000 labours who might have worked for him day and night.Where's the gratitude?Where's the appreciation?
Where's the reward?Have that so called "lover of the Millenium" ever thought what might happen to those 20,000 families who would be ruined?? I think -"No".He was too considerate over the dead wife's love that anyone else life didnt matter that much.
Anyone who's just reading it, kindly give it a thought--I wonder and ponder time and again as I thought love is selfless...its proven to be an obsession here :(
So ,the next time when you hear Taj Mahal-Is it still the monument of love. Is it ,Really??
And if it is then THINK AGAIN!!!
With every thing so calm and quiet,
its hard to differentiate day and night,With time moving on so fast,
Still Propelling!!
its hard to differentiate day and night,With time moving on so fast,
Still Propelling!!
Thats Life !!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Its different this year!!!
There were years when
these used to be the packing days..
Cold Winters and waiting hours.
There was time when these sound exciting.
Its different this year,
I can see people packing up the bags,
leaving for home,
bidding them goodbyes,
deep lies the agony,
when will I head on.
I listen wishing them Goodbyes,
and happy new year.
And i sit back and smile,
Its just the destiny my dear!!!
these used to be the packing days..
Cold Winters and waiting hours.
There was time when these sound exciting.
Its different this year,
I can see people packing up the bags,
leaving for home,
bidding them goodbyes,
deep lies the agony,
when will I head on.
I listen wishing them Goodbyes,
and happy new year.
And i sit back and smile,
Its just the destiny my dear!!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Unheard & Unsaid..
A peace and joy
which was too influential.
I waited too long to understand,
too long perhaps to subside.
The more I think of not thinking of you,
The task becomes ponderous ,
and there are just thoughts of you.
How I keep wondering,
Where am I heading to??
No idea of destination,
even journey seems insane.
I tried a lot to bring back the original me,
but You changed too much to revert,
This infernal punishment have I chosen for me.
How will I ever be able to make myself believe
that there is a world beyond those fantasies!!
How i wish there were days when you understood my silence,
How I wish there were moments to be cherised!!
But,well aware of the nihilism in life,
all futile and otiose,
Still there comes the awkwardness of faking up every other thing ,
The smile usually are from the heart,
can be seen by all,
but where should I take those remorse
which I know still exist!!
Deep down I know,
This too shall pass,
returning the normalcy of life,
the innocent smiles and wittiness,
but the present has overpowered the desire of future.
With each passing day,
your effect seems to lessen,
evanescent impressions.
Was it really worthy of it?
but the questions still in silent eyes says-
With each passing day,
your effect seems to lessen,
evanescent impressions.
Was it really worthy of it?
but the questions still in silent eyes says-
How will I ever forget,
Life just made me believe that
It just deceives!!
जननी जन्मभूमिश्र्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी
With another journey round the clock,
cold morning and shivering we,
walked up out of the bed..
seemed the most difficult task.
Got ready and tried to sleep..
And there ended another threatening day..
Sickness seemed to encircle me..
On the way back,
topics so many,
Group of girls,..
from general knowledge to gossip Queens,
From trendy ones to History,
From Obama to Rahul Gandhi,
Got to know,
Had enough to share,
And not lasting
Vampire Diaries came along,
gave DAMON SALVATORE tag of the Cassanova of the year,
Not the end of course,
There started another discussion over the beautiful Indian topologies,
the Mysteries and the Beautiful Valleys.
Not to forget were the old Mythology,
The Indian culture reflected upon,
With so many Scams ,
where are we heading on?
And we kept realizing
there are just more duties on the way ahead,
Being Indian doesnot just mean we can criticize it.
With Himalayas and the -20degrees temperature,
How Our brave soldiers die for us,
making us have a sound sleep.
That mere words when thought upon gives the feeling to salute them
And this is my Motherland
And I am proud to say--
जननी जन्मभूमिश्र्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी !!!!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Exams 7th Sem.
The examination session must have ended for many, but for MITS people its still in the air with chilling winters surrounded by the blankets and an awesome cup of coffee or tea rather. This ofcourse is my situation from a couple of weeks.Exams began from 4th Dec and have tortured us mercilessly day after day.I don't know much about how others faced it, but probably for me this session has brought too many surprises for me.The days are passing by and with each bygone day ,a feeling of delight occurs ,minds reflects and heart doesnt seem to bother.May be my innocent heart has bothered too much and for a change -7th Sem doesnt seem to bother it anymore.No more examination traumas---"xam hi toh hai...nikal jayega".Still there lies an urge to atleast study to get the passing marks.Yes,I keep calculating "Am I even getting 40 in this paper".
Years back,Mom used to call and say "Pad liya" and I replied "han ho gya"...and today morning when Mom called up ,I said:"Mumma,kuch bhi nahi pada...bas kisi tarah paas ho jaun".
Well,enough about me..there still much more which adds the fun.The urge to not miss your favorite serial even when 77%syallbus is incomplete..And ,ofcourse I have never broke that record.Not a single scene missed --either on TV in common room or "YOUTUBE" which has been my favourite since forever :)
This final year just got "TV addicted tag back to me---as was in school perhaps :) Nostalgic !!
There is very unidentified feelings during exams --when everything around becomes beautiful in other words say "Romantic"...you can fall in love with each and everything around..No ,I havenot gone crazy else what might be the reason that you still can sit idly watching the empty walls :P
Time for sure flies off.But the best part is "From Microcontrollers to Control Systems ,From CN (Computer Networks) to TSSN(telecomm) each one just can make you equally mad and can traumatize you..But Hats OFF to ECE Batch--nothing ever effects them---proved "WE ARE A BUNCH OF BRAVE BACHCHAS"
It isnt even over yet,For the last 1 year,or should I say From WIRELESS TO CN TO TSSN---How many times I dont even recall--This OSI MODEL has saved my life.If throughout my Engineering I havent loved anything more than OSI(chessy right :P )
Whatever be the results..Who cares for it anyways and yes,special credit for this unconcerned attitude goes to hectic schedule which never gave us the time and patience to sit back and study.
On the stage of winding up the 7th sem...I am glad this one's ending.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
And how I love Winters!!
Rising With the Sun,
Each morning is bright,
And how I love Winters &
Cuddling every night.
Days have their own beauty,
evenings slightly dusty,
Nights have their charm,
undefined and hasty.
The winters have always charmed me,
Sometimes bewitched, sometimes tranced.
Summers always harmed me,
At times blistering,and at times raging.
Rains used to be waited upon,
but gradually lost their essence,
Rainbows are still loved,
but seen so rare.
But from time immemorial,
chilling winters were so much more fun.
I slowly and gradually fell in love with it,
Seasons so many deep and profound,
but the most awaited has always been this one.
Warming the darkening and biting winters,
When Santa comes to rescue,
asking for the thousands wishes to be in queue.
Not a 5 year girl any more,
I, still believe in magic..
Sometimes,miracles come my way,
and sometimes they silently betray.
But ,as time elapsed,
Magic as miraculous as the sliding time,
They taught and I fought,
The experiences are many,
and as said by many "they are unending ones."
Seasons gone and came,
And scheduling sometimes changed,
But,somethings in life are always loved
I have unremittingly loved Winters
and cuddling every night.
That one moment when everything fades,
That one instant when time freezes,
That one second when I realize,
And the thousands of emotions seem worthless.
Like two paths meet and separate,
That one instant when time freezes,
That one second when I realize,
And the thousands of emotions seem worthless.
Like two paths meet and separate,
for a new destination,
Remains in the eyes................
Remains in the eyes................
are promises of lifetime
Words too few to explain,
How much do I love you!!
मिलके बिछड़ जाते हैं दो रास्ते ,
नयी मंजिल की तरफ,
आँखों मैं रह जाते हैं ,
आँखों मैं रह जाते हैं ,
उम्र भर के वास्ते तड़पती तड़प...
कैसे कहे हमे कितनी मोहब्बत है...
कैसे कहे हमे कितनी मोहब्बत है...
And I thought...
I thought evrything will be fine
nd there came a shock to justify dat nthng was fine
but i stood up again
to rectify the mistakes
but some thng othr went wrong again..
nd proved me wrong and gained
nd this loop took a thousand turn..
nd yet i m not over it.
Sometimes i think why me..
sometimes its like try me..
but rest of the time...
this little creature surprises herself
ohh wow its again me..
God! has its own ways to carry things..
to prove you that the small,little feelings you
alwaz thought were true,
were jst another illusion nd have jst flew..
perhaps , its an indication of the heights,
or may be the right time to stop the inner fights..
perhaps i m confused...
and i thought evrything is gng to be fine.
nd there came a shock to justify dat nthng was fine
but i stood up again
to rectify the mistakes
but some thng othr went wrong again..
nd proved me wrong and gained
nd this loop took a thousand turn..
nd yet i m not over it.
Sometimes i think why me..
sometimes its like try me..
but rest of the time...
this little creature surprises herself
ohh wow its again me..
God! has its own ways to carry things..
to prove you that the small,little feelings you
alwaz thought were true,
were jst another illusion nd have jst flew..
perhaps , its an indication of the heights,
or may be the right time to stop the inner fights..
perhaps i m confused...
and i thought evrything is gng to be fine.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Wishing for a Magic Wand..
Things have been on my mind,
some insane and arbit,
not liking the scheduling part,
not happy on the long list of tasks,
wishing for a magic wand,
to come and make me happy again..
People so many around,
but no one to share the agony within,
Is this what is called Solitude or this is another human attribute.
Mysteries too many..
Not ready to unfold,
And making me loony and gloomy.
Not understanding what I am demanding,
Am I gone harebrained!!
Wishing for a magic wand,
to change the topsy-turvy order,
Wandering around to find peace,
but cannot visualise it..
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
This too shall pass....
A group of birds one day fly,
one said yes
and others were shy.
Afraid of the heights,
collapsing there,
one of the birdy,
was seen nowhere.
As time went by,
flying became a passion,
and one which used to collapse,
was now up above on the top.
Rules broken up by the new birdy,
Made others growl and rowdy,
But the little creature never gave away the hope,
flew alone ,though too lost.
Too many came and threatened her,
but she never lost her way,
from the difficult times
She only learnt that
one said yes
and others were shy.
Afraid of the heights,
collapsing there,
one of the birdy,
was seen nowhere.
As time went by,
flying became a passion,
and one which used to collapse,
was now up above on the top.
Rules broken up by the new birdy,
Made others growl and rowdy,
But the little creature never gave away the hope,
flew alone ,though too lost.
Too many came and threatened her,
but she never lost her way,
from the difficult times
She only learnt that
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