That was quite a hectic day..nd i still had lot of work left to complete...Lost in my own thoughts....i forgot the rest of the world around me.....
Suddenly, i saw a group of small children,age group around 5-8yrs old..
They were very small little, cute kids wid twinkling eyes..but they wer nt school going kids...they wer cuming frm sum nearby house after cleaning the houses....ya...alternatively in a word.."CHILD LABOUR"...but i m nt here to raise a ques. over this...but i was wondering abt the fact...nd i keep wondering y wer those kids so happy after losing so much....nd perhaps, i got my answer that day......
The one of the most memorable days of my life..
i saw them playing,..shouting..howling in d same way we used to do in our days left behind...nd i could understand only one thing......
"The best days of life are those in which v r completely duffers...nd ignorant abt the competitive versions of life nd r full of divinity and blossoms of purity"..The serene atmosphere they created around me for dat hr of day is worthy enough to pen down dere thoughts nd visions..
Childhood days r d best days of our lyf...not bcoz v r free frm any responsibility but also due to lack of worldly desires....
I kept luking at them...nd was unable to hide the grief reflected in my eyes..nd evry moment became another threatning call frm my inner soul......but jst then......as a flash of light,all my worries,pain.....got transformed in a smile.I know this sounds absurd,...but this did happened.....wen i saw one of them approaching towards me wid a beautiful, divine smile,....
I felt as if someone has taken over all my sorrows.......till today, i cant understand the fact that a smile can overcome a million worries......
I sometimes think -Would nt b World a very different place if evryone of us understood this fact that "this lyf is futile..nd all that v gain out of it is jst a part of this futile business"....wouldnt b dere a silent,peaceful warmth of love and affection if the so called childish traits persisted all through this long and stressful journey of our life....
Wouldnt the short duration of lyf wich v live......hav been so lively,so graceful that each day our eyes would have opened wid a wide range of smiles and would hav been as colourful as the seven colours of rainbow .......
Hope our lives bind into one single thread of humanity and hope we could one day understand the purity of heart we keep losing with each birthday we celebrate as v add another glorious stone to our stepping success..............
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