Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nature's Imposing way...

In our day today life...we all face so many incidents that make us feel that the things ahead are going to be good...Omens as we call them..
Here are few:

Perhas its nature's way of saying its a bad day...
Here goes another one...

Isnt this really very pretty...
once u see this one in reality,..there vl b a very beautiful smile on evryone's face.





Its very obvious that these pics make us smile..but sometimes cant it really be true!!
Evr experienced something like this?????????


THough I havnt read Hamlet as a whole..but i have always liked it as the greatest tragedy written..
refer .

Shaskespeare for sure deserves a loud applause for it...for creating someone like Hamlet.
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, or more simply Hamlet, is a tragedy by William Shakespeare.
Hamlet suffers from sudden death of his father..with the acknowledgement that his mother has been married to his uncle Claudius..The best part is when OUr innocent Hamlet meets his Father's ghost nd finds out the perfect conspiracy and the whole idea behind his father's death.Meanwhile,comes into picture Ophelia nd they fall in love.
But Hamlet's strange behaviour shocks evryone and with all dramatic plot,the play reaches a tragic end where everyone,relationships...nd all..

There r a few lines which usually are remembered:
*Frailty, thy name is woman!
*Neither a borrower nor a lender be:
For loan oft loses both itself and friend.

*There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

*Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.

*There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

*What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form, in moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? man delights not me; no, nor woman neither, though, by your smiling, you seem to say so.

*To be, or not to be, — that is the question: —
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? — To die, to sleep, —
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, — 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; —
To sleep, perchance to dream: — ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would these fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death, —
The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, — puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know naught of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought;
And enterprises of great pith and moment,
With this regard, their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.

*Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.

*Tis now the very witching time of night,
When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
Contagion to this world: now could I drink hot blood,
And do such bitter business, as the day
Would quake to look on.

*My words fly up, my thoughts remain below;
Words without thoughts never to heaven go.

*When sorrows come, they come not single spies,
But in battalions.

*There's a divinity that shapes our ends,
Rough-hew them how we will.
*The rest is silence.

*Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet prince;
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Solitary Hearts...

        I feel lonely today.
alone in midst of ways,
alone in the walking phase,
alone when the sun glows,
alone when the rain endorse.

Alone when the night ends,
alone when the day begins,
alone trapped in the maze,
alone in the happiness race.

Alone in the world's chaos,
alone in the noise around,
alone when silence falls,
alone while watching the stars.

Alone when i speak,
alone when darkness prevails,
alone on the familiar road,
alone when silence corrodes.

And all alone i walk on the way,
lost in the ashes of time,
hard to realise where it leads me,
perhaps waiting for the new revival of hues,
which embrace my loneliness.......


"Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own."-frm Alchemist.
It seems quite true right now coz thats what even i m doing.
Alchemist is filled with quotes one would love to read and which give him/her a hope to relive..nd raises the optimistism level to the peak..once, done with the book, if you r good enough to understand feelings nd messages which the writer wants to convey,you will really find the book awesome..
"The Alchemist", is an exciting novel that bursts with optimism; it is the kind of novel that tells you that everything is possible as long as you really want it to happen. That may sound like an oversimplified version of new-age philosophy and mysticism, but as Coelho states "simple things are the most valuable and only wise people appreciate them".

As the alchemist himself says, when he appears to Santiago in the form of an old king "when you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true". This is the core of the novel's philosophy and a motif that echoes behind Coelho's writing all through "The Alchemist" .

No doubt that the words encourage and give the power to withstand the miseries nd tests of time..but as my personal view...i kind of dont agree much to these words...The Whole Universe doesnt support you in times of troubles..thats a fact...and just to see the brighter side of life, we cant actually ignore seems a bit pessimistic thinking..but thats wat v call the surge of propagating happiness around,writer seems to forget the fact that when we wish it not to rain...we alwaz face is the whole universe supportive..
well...i never got an answer to it...perhaps its a different way to show  support rather express that yes...something called nature exists..

But,there are a lot more sayings...which jst lights up the very saddened heart...a few of them are...

*There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.
*It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
*Wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.
nd one from my side...
 life is not a bed of always comes with thorns attached to it........

The miracle is not to live...everyone does...but to live with satisfaction. 

Monday, September 21, 2009

Perhaps ....the wrong lane..

Sumtimes when i walk to home,
the lonely road jst drives me crazy,
is this the way i m on to,
or is this perhaps the wrong lane.

I turn and look around,
finding only darkness ahead,
no body to rescue me,
nd i m alone in the wrong lane.

Sumtimes but the same road,
seems to be a known one,
with known people nd smiles on way,
nd d lane seems right again.

I walk on a lonely road,
nd keep losing my ways always,
nd on finding a new road,
i think i m on a wrong lane.

Walking with you is so wonderful,
but walking alone takes my breathe away,
may b its not the lane,
its just you who make it worth walking.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wen i m beneath your eyes!!!

                                                                                                                                                                           Its 17th Sep,09 nd before starting this article,I just wanna wish my Dad a very happy BIrthD@y....
May you get all the blessings of God!! nd i hope for ur well being...

 This article is dedicated to my Dad...

I was very small but i can still recall, i had tiny hands nd cute little legs nd it was very hard for me to walk..
evry time i thought of taking a small step and then run nd reach my father who was standing at the other end....nd in this entire trial to succeed my thrist to walk on my own ....i had alwaz fall down more badly than befor...nd evrytym i cried or rather say howled more vigorously nd more energitically...nd evry such situation was handled by my Dad so efficiently that my loud cries would turn into sweet smiles....He used to kick the ground which had hurt me so badly...nd say "isne maara mere beta ko...huhnn".....such sweet memories...the lovely days,i know they wont come back...but this is wat memories r be cherised forevr...nd evr.

I was alwaz walking in the opposite direction and there He proved me to be a my guide...
He taught me how to stand on my walk without falling,to calculate 2+2=4...nd to give me lods of homework in my vaccations (lik writing tables nd one page handwriting for hindi nd english for entire 60 days..dats till my 6th class)...nd my thousands way to escape these hard works...
Those hours wen he used to teach me were the deadly hours...coz i think i m still having that terror...yar aaj galti ki toh zaroor thappad padega.....nd perhaps dat fear has always forbidden me  from commiting any wrong deeds.

At times, there goes on the session of philosophy nd at tymes i have scolding hours too...yeh mat mat dekho ,padai karo......nd...the lik...But ,ofcourse being the kind of person i m  , i vl alwaz get another twisted way to do things according to my whims nd fancies...

But,somewhere ,deep down in my heart ,   I know those small restrictions which at tymes seem to be lik hell of something, have made me the person i m...There are times wen there is no electricity and standing in the balcony ...observing the surroundings..we start with a topic..nd suddenly  the discussion becomes a i go on talking for hours nd hours...nd finally he says,"ab chup bi ho jao"....nd then i realise...lagta hai zyada ho gya....lolz...

Their r also sessions wen v tease mom a lot...nd dats the best tym,....
Though v fite a lot whether it is our dining table...or for watching TV ...ya remote is the best thing we crave for,..but at the end of the day ...we know those small disagreements and those words of wisdom have endorsed a bettr human being out of me..
Thank you for fulfilling many of my desires nd a bigger thanx for not abiding by all wat i demand...its coz of dat i can now survive nd know wat actually are adjustments...

Your guidance ,your philosopy
sumtymes understood ,sumtymes not
with tymes dat forevr last,,
till the end of tym..
i may recall all wat u taught me
nd all wat i learned..
all wat i nvr believe to understand
and all that i could evr...
i owe a lot..
which is hard to return..
so all i can do is just to follow
all ur words..wid all my heart..

Wish u a very happy bday....

The Mighty Profession..

Today,while sitting idle i jst thought over and over...wat profession should be termed as the best of all..Being an engineer myself...i thought to conclude to the very essence of my field..But,the conditions which i m going through these days, just changed my whole perspective about jobs and their importance...
Life has given us so many many many problems and each problem with a new solution.
I know all fields have their own individuality and importance else how would so many new technologies would have been proposed.With the change in the world around has,we have overcome so many defects and problems which our previous generation has suffered from.Inspite of knowing all these facts,I perhaps think the best profession in this world is being a Doctor.I dont deny the fact that all professions are unique in their own way.
But,the miracles what a Doctor can do,perhaps,is done by none.

"Its giving a new life to not just an individual but to all those people attached to him/her".
I had realised this thing at a very early age.Though, i never like visiting a doctor.Whenevr i used to get severely ill and no other solution other than a Doctor was a way to get rid of the immense pain i was going through or someone close to me had been undergoing...Doctors seem to be like another ray of hope..another gesture of kindness...and another way to relive life.May be i m not crystal clear in what i really want to say,but its a fact that of all the miseries in this futile world,the greatest tragedy is to see your dearest and nearest ones in deep pain...Well, a human being is termed as a social animal,...but this social being has a heart which craves for the ones he loves the most...nd the one person who can heal them and get them nearer to a pain relief life is, in my personal opinion ,is the one who deserves a gratitude in one or the other..
Somewhere,somehow each one of us undergo situations which keep changing our perspective towards things.One of them is rite here,in the form of this article.
Its well said "God ,cant be evrywhere so, He made Mothers.But,today i say God cant heal evrybody,so He made Doctors".

Hats off to such a profession where selflessness becomes a qualification and affection becomes a trait.....

Monday, September 14, 2009

        This is one of the best poems by Harivansh Rai Bachan
 क्या भूलूं, क्या याद करूं मैं!
 अंगणित उन्मादों के क्षण हैं,
 अंगणित अवसादों के क्षण हैं,
 रजनी की सूनी घडियों को किन-किन से आबाद करूं मैं! 
               क्या भूलूं, क्या याद करूं मैं!

याद सुखों की आंसू लाती,
 दुख की, दिल भारी कर जाती,

 दोष किसे दूं जब अपने से अपनए दिन बर्बाद करूं मैं!
             क्या भूलूं, क्या याद करूं मैं!

 दोनों करके पछताता हूं,
 सोच नहीं, पर मैं पाता हूं,

 सुधियों के बंधन से कैसे अपने को आज़ाद करूं मैं!
                  क्या भूलूं, क्या याद करूं मैं!
   nd this is the enhanced version written by me...
  कोशिश कर के पछताता  हू ,
  छोड़ नहीं पर मैं पाता हू ,
 अपनी दुनिया का खुद भला कैसे मैं त्याग करू मैं  |
  क्या भूलूं, क्या याद करूं मैं!
 यादों के अवशेष हैं यह भी ,
  मुझमे अब भी शेष हैं यह भी ,
 खुद से छल दिन रात करू मैं ,
  क्या भूलूं, क्या याद करूं मैं!

  अभिव्यक्ति का स्वरुप हैं भाव ,
   आज इन्ही पर थमे  हैं पाँव |
 भावविहीन होते मन को अब कैसे शांत करू मैं ,
  क्या भूलूं, क्या याद करूं मैं!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Vellapanti bi toh zaroori hai.........

life is filled wid moments where v keep on passing on time without any fruitful results...nd there comes into action our vellapanti...

isnt it very true...

isnt it so very cute...

Today,while lying down on my bed and planning for my xam next thoughts wandered nd wer sumwhere in a fantasy land..nd suddenly i recalled that i hav a xam next mrng..
life will become so monotonous without the essence of this longing desire to be lazy... kool is it to not to work...nd lie asleep for hours!!!!   

 zindagi hoti thodi aur haseen
              agar hume khud par hota yakeen..
shararaton se bhaari baate hoti.
             kuch kr guzarne ki chah liye..
sirf padna likna toh essential ni...
            masti k hain din yahi..
samjh naa aaya ho ab bhi agar..
            toh sidhe saral sabdo ki yeh gaatha hai/..
sach toh yeh hai ki hume kuch ni aata hai..
           manzilo ki taraf bade chale hai..
par kuch ni hume bhata hai..
         aadarshwadi bane rehna bi ek majboori hai...
                                             vellapanti bi toh zaroori hai........

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nature at its best....



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