Today,while sitting idle i jst thought over and over...wat profession should be termed as the best of all..Being an engineer myself...i thought to conclude to the very essence of my field..But,the conditions which i m going through these days, just changed my whole perspective about jobs and their importance...
Life has given us so many many many problems and each problem with a new solution.
I know all fields have their own individuality and importance else how would so many new technologies would have been proposed.With the change in the world around has,we have overcome so many defects and problems which our previous generation has suffered from.Inspite of knowing all these facts,I perhaps think the best profession in this world is being a Doctor.I dont deny the fact that all professions are unique in their own way.
But,the miracles what a Doctor can do,perhaps,is done by none.
"Its giving a new life to not just an individual but to all those people attached to him/her".
I had realised this thing at a very early age.Though, i never like visiting a doctor.Whenevr i used to get severely ill and no other solution other than a Doctor was a way to get rid of the immense pain i was going through or someone close to me had been undergoing...Doctors seem to be like another ray of hope..another gesture of kindness...and another way to relive life.May be i m not crystal clear in what i really want to say,but its a fact that of all the miseries in this futile world,the greatest tragedy is to see your dearest and nearest ones in deep pain...Well, a human being is termed as a social animal,...but this social being has a heart which craves for the ones he loves the most...nd the one person who can heal them and get them nearer to a pain relief life is, in my personal opinion ,is the one who deserves a gratitude in one or the other..
Somewhere,somehow each one of us undergo situations which keep changing our perspective towards things.One of them is rite here,in the form of this article.
Its well said "God ,cant be evrywhere so, He made Mothers.But,today i say God cant heal evrybody,so He made Doctors".
Hats off to such a profession where selflessness becomes a qualification and affection becomes a trait.....
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